數控可傾回轉工作臺主要用于數控機床加工中心機床上,可利用原機床的兩個控制坐標控制轉臺的回轉和傾斜,也可直接利用本轉臺配套的數控裝置與機床聯(lián)接完成所需的工作循環(huán) 。它可以完成任意角度的孔、槽、平面類機械加工,以及曲線、凸輪等的加工,并可達到較高的精度。另外也可用于非數控鉆、銑、鏜類機床上,獨立完成等分和不等分的角度分度工作。
轉臺本體采用模塊化設計技術,PAN 轉臺和TILT 轉臺為互相獨立之模塊,拆卸方便,既可控制,又可聯(lián)動控制; 采用交流伺服電機驅動和諧波減速器傳動,保證了平臺不僅低速運行平穩(wěn),而且動態(tài)響應特性快;
rotary table is constructed complete with an NC controllable rotary axis as well as an NC controllabletilting axis,and mainly used with CNC milling machine and machine center,It is controlled either by two-coordinatecontrol system of the main machine or by selfequipped two-coordinate control system.In combination with mainmachine,holes,slots,cam,curving line and surface in any angle position can be carried out precisely.Besides,it can alsobe used in common drilling,milling and boring machines,performing independently equal and unequal divisions.